提交 51b9a9c7 编写于 作者: ibizdev's avatar ibizdev

tony001 发布系统代码 [后台服务,演示应用]

上级 48166b4b
......@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ export default class IBIZBOOKInterFuncEditView_layoutBase extends Vue {
container_scroll_main1:{ name: 'container_scroll_main1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll1', panel: this , details:['form'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
view_pagecaption:{ name: 'view_pagecaption', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '页面标题', isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'FIELD', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'FULL', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'FULL', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'LEFT', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container1', panel: this , fieldState: '0', predefinedType: 'VIEW_PAGECAPTION', dataItemName:'', },
container1:{ name: 'container1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:3, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_grid1', panel: this , details:['view_pagecaption'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
toolbar:{ name: 'toolbar', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: 'TOOLBAR', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'FULL', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'RIGHT', vAlignSelf:'MIDDLE', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_2', panel: this },
toolbar:{ name: 'toolbar', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: 'TOOLBAR', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'RIGHT', vAlignSelf:'MIDDLE', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_2', panel: this },
container_2:{ name: 'container_2', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:9, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_grid1', panel: this , details:['toolbar'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_grid1:{ name: 'container_grid1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '栅格容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll_header1', panel: this , details:['container1','container_2'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_scroll_header1:{ name: 'container_scroll_header1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'NORTH', layoutHeight:80, heightMode:'PX', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll1', panel: this , details:['container_grid1'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
<div v-show="!isLayoutLoadding" class="app-view-layout ibizorder-sedit-view3-layout" :style="{height: '100%', width: '100%', overflow: 'auto'}">
<app-standard-container name="page_container" :isMultiContainer="false" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<app-scroll-container name="container_scroll2" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container_scroll_main2>
<app-scroll-container name="container_scroll_main2" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container_grid2>
<app-simpleflex-container name="container_grid2" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container3>
<app-simpleflex-container name="container3" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #drtab>
<app-ctrl-pos name="drtab" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
parentName = "IBIZOrder"
<template #nav_pos1>
<app-nav-pos name="nav_pos1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails" :navData="layoutModelDetails['nav_pos1'].navData"/>
<template #container_scroll_header2>
<app-scroll-container name="container_scroll_header2" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container_grid1>
<app-simpleflex-container name="container_grid1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container1>
......@@ -59,40 +90,9 @@
<template #container3>
<app-standard-container name="container3" :isMultiContainer="false" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container_scroll1>
<app-scroll-container name="container_scroll1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container_scroll_main1>
<app-scroll-container name="container_scroll_main1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #nav_pos1>
<app-nav-pos name="nav_pos1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails" :navData="layoutModelDetails['nav_pos1'].navData"/>
<template #container_scroll_header1>
<app-scroll-container name="container_scroll_header1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #drtab>
<app-ctrl-pos name="drtab" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
parentName = "IBIZOrder"
......@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ export default class IBIZOrderSEditView3_layoutBase extends Vue {
* @public
* @memberof IBIZOrderSEditView3_layoutBase
public rootLayoutDetailNames: string[] = [ 'page_container' ];
public rootLayoutDetailNames: string[] = [ 'container_scroll2' ];
* 视图布局面板项模型对象
......@@ -371,18 +371,18 @@ export default class IBIZOrderSEditView3_layoutBase extends Vue {
* @memberof IBIZOrderSEditView3_layoutBase
public layoutItems:any = {
drtab:{ name: 'drtab', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: 'DRTAB部件', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container3', panel: this },
nav_pos1:{ name: 'nav_pos1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '导航区占位', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'RAWITEM', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container3', panel: this , viewType: 'DEEDITVIEW3', predefinedType: 'NAV_POS', contentType: '', contentStyle: '', rawContent: '', htmlContent: '', },
container3:{ name: 'container3', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:12, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_grid2', panel: this , details:['drtab','nav_pos1'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_grid2:{ name: 'container_grid2', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '栅格容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'FULL', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'FULL', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll_main2', panel: this , details:['container3'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_scroll_main2:{ name: 'container_scroll_main2', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll2', panel: this , details:['container_grid2'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
view_pagecaption:{ name: 'view_pagecaption', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '页面标题', isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'FIELD', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container1', panel: this , fieldState: '0', predefinedType: 'VIEW_PAGECAPTION', dataItemName:'', },
container1:{ name: 'container1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:3, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_grid1', panel: this , details:['view_pagecaption'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
toolbar:{ name: 'toolbar', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '工具栏', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'RIGHT', vAlignSelf:'MIDDLE', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container2', panel: this },
container2:{ name: 'container2', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'RIGHT', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:9, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_grid1', panel: this , details:['toolbar'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_grid1:{ name: 'container_grid1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '栅格容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:50, heightMode:'PX', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'page_container', panel: this , details:['container1','container2'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
nav_pos1:{ name: 'nav_pos1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '导航区占位', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'RAWITEM', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll_main1', panel: this , viewType: 'DEEDITVIEW3', predefinedType: 'NAV_POS', contentType: '', contentStyle: '', rawContent: '', htmlContent: '', },
container_scroll_main1:{ name: 'container_scroll_main1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:100, widthMode:'PX', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll1', panel: this , details:['nav_pos1'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
drtab:{ name: 'drtab', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: 'DRTAB部件', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll_header1', panel: this },
container_scroll_header1:{ name: 'container_scroll_header1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'NORTH', layoutHeight:80, heightMode:'PX', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll1', panel: this , details:['drtab'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_scroll1:{ name: 'container_scroll1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '滚动条容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container3', panel: this , details:['container_scroll_main1','container_scroll_header1'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container3:{ name: 'container3', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'FLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'column',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'page_container', panel: this , details:['container_scroll1'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
page_container:{ name: 'page_container', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'FLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:100, heightMode:'PERCENTAGE', layoutWidth:100, widthMode:'PERCENTAGE', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, panel: this , details:['container_grid1','container3'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' }
container_grid1:{ name: 'container_grid1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '栅格容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll_header2', panel: this , details:['container1','container2'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_scroll_header2:{ name: 'container_scroll_header2', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'NORTH', layoutHeight:80, heightMode:'PX', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll2', panel: this , details:['container_grid1'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_scroll2:{ name: 'container_scroll2', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '滚动条容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, panel: this , details:['container_scroll_main2','container_scroll_header2'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' }
<div v-show="!isLayoutLoadding" class="app-view-layout ibizorder-sedit-view4-layout" :style="{height: '100%', width: '100%', overflow: 'auto'}">
<app-standard-container name="page_container" :isMultiContainer="false" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<app-scroll-container name="container_scroll2" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container_scroll_main2>
<app-scroll-container name="container_scroll_main2" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container_grid2>
<app-simpleflex-container name="container_grid2" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container3>
<app-simpleflex-container name="container3" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #form>
<app-ctrl-pos name="form" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container4>
<app-standard-container name="container4" :isMultiContainer="false" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #drtab>
<app-ctrl-pos name="drtab" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
parentName = "IBIZOrder"
<template #nav_pos1>
<app-nav-pos name="nav_pos1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails" :navData="layoutModelDetails['nav_pos1'].navData"/>
<template #container_scroll_header1>
<app-scroll-container name="container_scroll_header1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container_grid1>
<app-simpleflex-container name="container_grid1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container1>
......@@ -60,63 +122,9 @@
<template #container_scroll1>
<app-scroll-container name="container_scroll1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container_scroll_main1>
<app-scroll-container name="container_scroll_main1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #form>
<app-ctrl-pos name="form" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #container_scroll_bottom1>
<app-scroll-container name="container_scroll_bottom1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
<template #drtab>
<app-ctrl-pos name="drtab" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">
parentName = "IBIZOrder"
<template #nav_pos1>
<app-nav-pos name="nav_pos1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails" :navData="layoutModelDetails['nav_pos1'].navData"/>
......@@ -386,7 +394,7 @@ export default class IBIZOrderSEditView4_layoutBase extends Vue {
* @public
* @memberof IBIZOrderSEditView4_layoutBase
public rootLayoutDetailNames: string[] = [ 'page_container' ];
public rootLayoutDetailNames: string[] = [ 'container_scroll2' ];
* 视图布局面板项模型对象
......@@ -395,18 +403,20 @@ export default class IBIZOrderSEditView4_layoutBase extends Vue {
* @memberof IBIZOrderSEditView4_layoutBase
public layoutItems:any = {
form:{ name: 'form', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '表单', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:50, heightMode:'PERCENTAGE', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container3', panel: this },
container3:{ name: 'container3', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:12, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_grid2', panel: this , details:['form'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_grid2:{ name: 'container_grid2', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '栅格容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll_main2', panel: this , details:['container3'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
drtab:{ name: 'drtab', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: 'DRTAB部件', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:50, heightMode:'PX', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container4', panel: this },
nav_pos1:{ name: 'nav_pos1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '导航区占位', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'RAWITEM', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container4', panel: this , viewType: 'DEEDITVIEW4', predefinedType: 'NAV_POS', contentType: '', contentStyle: '', rawContent: '', htmlContent: '', },
container4:{ name: 'container4', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'FLEX', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:50, heightMode:'PERCENTAGE', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll_main2', panel: this , details:['drtab','nav_pos1'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_scroll_main2:{ name: 'container_scroll_main2', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll2', panel: this , details:['container_grid2','container4'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
view_pagecaption:{ name: 'view_pagecaption', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '页面标题', isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'FIELD', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container1', panel: this , fieldState: '0', predefinedType: 'VIEW_PAGECAPTION', dataItemName:'', },
container1:{ name: 'container1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'MIDDLE', flexGrow:3, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_grid1', panel: this , details:['view_pagecaption'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
toolbar:{ name: 'toolbar', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '工具栏', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'RIGHT', vAlignSelf:'MIDDLE', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container2', panel: this },
toolbar:{ name: 'toolbar', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '工具栏', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container2', panel: this },
container2:{ name: 'container2', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'RIGHT', vAlignSelf:'MIDDLE', flexGrow:9, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_grid1', panel: this , details:['toolbar'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_grid1:{ name: 'container_grid1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '栅格容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'page_container', panel: this , details:['container1','container2'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
form:{ name: 'form', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '表单', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll_main1', panel: this },
container_scroll_main1:{ name: 'container_scroll_main1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:50, heightMode:'PERCENTAGE', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll1', panel: this , details:['form'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
drtab:{ name: 'drtab', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: 'DRTAB部件', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll_bottom1', panel: this },
nav_pos1:{ name: 'nav_pos1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '导航区占位', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'RAWITEM', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll_bottom1', panel: this , viewType: 'DEEDITVIEW4', predefinedType: 'NAV_POS', contentType: '', contentStyle: '', rawContent: '', htmlContent: '', },
container_scroll_bottom1:{ name: 'container_scroll_bottom1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'SOUTH', layoutHeight:50, heightMode:'PERCENTAGE', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll1', panel: this , details:['drtab','nav_pos1'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_scroll1:{ name: 'container_scroll1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '滚动条容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'page_container', panel: this , details:['container_scroll_main1','container_scroll_bottom1'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
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container_grid1:{ name: 'container_grid1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '栅格容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'CENTER', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll_header1', panel: this , details:['container1','container2'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_scroll_header1:{ name: 'container_scroll_header1', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'NORTH', layoutHeight:80, heightMode:'PX', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_scroll2', panel: this , details:['container_grid1'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' },
container_scroll2:{ name: 'container_scroll2', type: 'VIEWLAYOUT', caption: '滚动条容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'BORDER', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:0, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, panel: this , details:['container_scroll_main2','container_scroll_header1'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' }
......@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ export default class DefaultBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
public load(opt: any = {}): void {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKCustomView_layout' + (this.$t('app.searchForm.notConfig.loadAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKGroupByCodelistListView' + (this.$t('app.searchForm.notConfig.loadAction') as string) });
const arg: any = { ...opt };
......@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ export default class DefaultBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
public loadDraft(opt: any = {},mode?:string): void {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKCustomView_layout' + (this.$t('app.searchForm.notConfig.loaddraftAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKGroupByCodelistListView' + (this.$t('app.searchForm.notConfig.loaddraftAction') as string) });
const arg: any = { ...opt } ;
......@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ export default class Usr4Base extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
public load(opt: any = {}, isReset: boolean = false): void {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKTestCLDataView' + (this.$t('app.list.notConfig.fetchAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKUsr4DataView' + (this.$t('app.list.notConfig.fetchAction') as string) });
const arg: any = {...opt};
......@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ export default class Usr4Base extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
public async remove(datas: any[]): Promise<any> {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKTestCLDataView' + (this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.removeAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKUsr4DataView' + (this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.removeAction') as string) });
let _datas:any[] = [];
......@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ export default class Usr4Base extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
try {
if(Object.is(item.rowDataState, 'create')){
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKTestCLDataView' + (this.$t('app.list.notConfig.createAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKUsr4DataView' + (this.$t('app.list.notConfig.createAction') as string) });
let response = await this.service.add(this.createAction, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)),item, this.showBusyIndicator);
......@@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ export default class Usr4Base extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
}else if(Object.is(item.rowDataState, 'update')){
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKTestCLDataView' + (this.$t('app.list.notConfig.updateAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKUsr4DataView' + (this.$t('app.list.notConfig.updateAction') as string) });
......@@ -69,6 +69,11 @@ export default class Usr4Model {
prop: 'n_ibizbookname_like',
dataType: 'QUERYPARAM'
name: 'n_price_gtandeq',
prop: 'n_price_gtandeq',
dataType: 'QUERYPARAM'
......@@ -55,23 +55,6 @@
git clone -b master $para2 demosys/
export NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096
cd demosys/
cd demo-boot
mvn ibizlabcli:code
cd ..
set +e
git config user.name "ibizdev"
git add .
git commit -m "generator before deploy $para5"
git push origin master
git config user.name "root"
set -e
mvn package -Pboot
cd demo-boot
sed -i "s#dstimage#$para5#g" pom.xml
sed -i "s#dstimage#$para5#g" src/main/docker/demo-boot-demoapi.yaml
mvn -Pboot docker:build
mvn -Pboot docker:push
docker -H $para1 stack deploy --compose-file=src/main/docker/demo-boot-demoapi.yaml iBizDemo --with-registry-auth
......@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ CMD echo "The application will start in ${IBIZ_SLEEP}s..." && \
sleep ${IBIZ_SLEEP} && \
java ${JAVA_OPTS} -Duser.timezone=$TZ -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -jar /demo-boot.jar
EXPOSE 52000
ADD demo-boot.jar /demo-boot.jar
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
@EnableFeignClients(basePackages = {"cn.ibizlab.util","cn.ibizlab"})
@SpringBootApplication(exclude = {
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"cn.ibizlab.util","cn.ibizlab"}
......@@ -51,4 +50,4 @@ public class BootApplication extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -154,7 +154,6 @@
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......@@ -1245,186 +1245,172 @@
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"grow" : 12,
"layout" : "SIMPLEFLEX"
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"getPSPanelItems" : [ {
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"getPSPanelItems" : [ {
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"getPSPanelItems" : [ {
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......@@ -1243,180 +1243,204 @@
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......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
<name>Demo Core</name>
<description>后台服务 Core,模板生成代码,再次发布会覆盖,建议不要直接修改,修改请在demo-boot项目中继承或覆盖重写</description>
<name>后台服务 Core</name>
<description>后台服务 Core</description>
......@@ -20,14 +20,6 @@
<!-- MySQL驱动包 -->
......@@ -101,4 +93,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
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......@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
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<column name="TP" remarks="" type="TEXT(1048576)">
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<!--输出实体[IBIZORDER]视图结构信息 runOnChange="true" 当视图发生变更时,通过liquibase强刷prod的视图,实现视图的同步-->
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"name": "年度",
"code": "Years",
"group": "",
"memo": "",
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
......@@ -137,4 +137,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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